Data and Statistics for First Day Speech/Intro Video

Below, you will find some graphs regarding the helpfulness of attending SI that you can share with students for your First Day Speech or Intro Video.

Participation data from Fall 2022 demonstrates that students who participate in SI had greater success, lower failure rates, and far lower withdrawal rates in their SI supported courses, than their non-participating counterparts.

You could say the following:

“Data collected from prior semesters showed that students who participated in SI had passing rates of almost 87%, while students who did not attend had passing rates of 65%. I hope you take advantage of this resource and join my SI Sessions starting next week!”

“Students who participated in SI in the past had fail rates of only 8% whereas students who did not attend SI had fail rates of 13%. Similarly, the withdrawal rates of students who attended SI was 6% compared to 24% for students who did not attend. I hope to see you in my SI Sessions starting next week!”

Students who attended SI frequently had the highest success rates, compared to those who attended less frequently.

You could say the following:

“Data collected from prior semesters suggests that the more you attend SI, the better your passing rate. If you attend 1-5 times, your passing rate shoots up to 73.8% where someone who doesn’t attend has a 50% passing rate. If you attend 6-10 times, your passing rate is 88.5%. I hope to see you in my sessions next week!”

“The SI Program has seen consistent data that suggest the more times you attend SI, the higher your passing rate is. We have multiple semesters worth of data that shows students who attend SI 16 times or more in a semester have a 100% passing rate. I hope you’ll join me next week for our first session and start the semester off right!”

Example Faculty Email

Hello Professor [Name]

I’m [Your Name], and I’ll be the Supplemental Instruction Leader joining your class for the [Spring, Fall] semester! [Talk about your brief personal experience with SI and in your discipline if you have any]. I’m really looking forward to working with you and your students. I’d love to talk with you about your expectations of how I’ll work best in your class. If you have some free time, perhaps we can discuss what you’re looking for and what I’m good at. I’d also like to set up our ongoing weekly meeting times, if possible. Please feel free to send an email my way to set up a Zoom meeting. I know the beginning of the semester is busy. So if I don’t hear from you, I’ll see you in class lecture on [Date and Time of first class], and we can talk more then.
